Hotel Branded Kiosk

Engage and Direct Your Guests Even When You’re Not There

Do you still have that unsightly rack of brochures advertising local "things to do"? Maybe you have an outdated stack of restaurant menus in a folder that you hand out? Or perhaps you're just looking for a better way to engage with your guests? We have a solution that will solve all these problems and more with the Hotel Branded Kiosk.

Nearby Search

Guests can easily refine their search for nearby places by types, open hours, or check if a place is within walking distance.

Concierge Picks

Guest can browse hotel approved and preferred activities including attractions, restaurants, local events, and more.

Suggestion Lists

Looking for a dog sitter or a list of hikes nearby? Hoteliers can create a list of hotel recommended activities and trusted service providers for easy perusal.

Place Overview

When searching for recommendations, guests can view the places in more detail which includes directions, distance, pictures, open hours, reviews, address, website, ratings, and description.

Hotel Events

Does your hotel have pop-up dinners? Hosting a local band? Create your own customized events to drive traffic and bookings.


Our system integrates with OpenTable to allow reservations to be made right in the Kiosk.

Restaurant Menus

Guests can view the latest updated menu from most restaurants including prices and other specials.

Instant Recommendations

Places can easily be sent to a user’s phone over SMS text showing the guest a mobile friendly web version of the place and all the information that was shown on the kiosk. No need for them to download an app.

Reviews and Feedback

Guests can easy access the reviews that matter most to your business, allowing them to write their own review and give feedback about their stay.

TripSee Concierge's Hotel Kiosk

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