Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I get an expert?

    Getting your very own travel expert is quite simple. Simply fill out the form located Here. Within a few days we will give you an option between a few of our experts.

  • How can I trust my local expert?

    We question and vet every expert and if you're not 100% satisfied we offer a 100% money back guarantee. We have plans to show expert's reviews and ratings in the near future.

  • How can I become an expert?

    To become an expert you will need to add your name to our prospective expert list on our expert page. We will contact you to ask your preferences and require you to fill out a small application. After this you will be able to make money planning travelers' trips.

  • What if I don't like my trip?

    We offer a 100% money back guarantee to anyone that does not like their trip. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your expert's recomendations simply contact us at Support@TripSee.Travel.

  • Is this service for only trips?

    A trip is just the general term, TripSee Local will plan most trips from small weekend getaways, staycations, to large group trips its really up to you.

  • What languages are available?

    Currently the TripSee apps and TripSee Local are only available in English. If you would like to request a language other than english please email us at Support@TripSee.Travel.

  • I have technical problem, who do I email?

    If you are having technical problems simply email us at Support@TripSee.Travel.

  • How can I plan my own trips?

    If you would prefer to put your own trip together, you can download the TripSee app for Android and iOS for free. For more information simply visit TripSee's main page at TripSee.Travel.